Thursday, February 17, 2011

Plant Tissue Culture

okay. macam yang dah janji ari2.
harini Miss nak bagi soklan test Tissue Culture. *Miss? ahaks.
dah study kan sume?
so, jawab dua2 soklan neh dalam mase 1 jam.
and then, paste jawapan kat wall fb Miss eyh.
test neh open je. ala2 eseimen. :)
gud luck!

1. Slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum barbatum) is facing threats extinction due to their slow growing characteristics and inefficient propagation. In vitro seed germination is the alternative for regeneration of slipper orchid plantlets. Describe in detail how to obtain the aseptic seeds of slipper orchid in vitro germination. (25 marks)

2. Describe how you can mass produce papaya (Carica papaya) plantlets using the auxillary buds as the explants. (25 marks)

*ni soklan test tadi. aah. memang tak cemerlang. gemilang. terbilang*


  1. muahaha......setuju...!
    soalan gila buat ku seperti mahu terlingkup..uwaa~

  2. err... nak jawab soalan 1 tapi yang ingat step cuci biji benih dengan sabun cuci pinggan tu je. haha

  3. ika~konfemmmmm lingkup lah dear! ;p

    syahmi~xleh2..kne jawab dedua.. bab cuci ngn sabun tuh betul..haha
